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Barber Instructor

Barber Instructor


This is a 7 month course that requires 750 hours. This program is designed to provide a license Barber with the additional hours and training to become a Barber instructor .

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Expiry period Lifetime
Made in English
Last updated at Tue May 2024
Total lectures 21
Total quizzes 21
Total duration 07:00:00 Hours
Total enrolment 1
Number of reviews 0
Avg rating
Short description This is a 7 month course that requires 750 hours. This program is designed to provide a license Barber with the additional hours and training to become a Barber instructor .
  • Graduates will master barbering techniques, understand sanitation and safety protocols, and be prepared for state licensing exams. They will gain business skills, build a professional portfolio, and have various career opportunities in barbershops or as independent barbers.